MarQue - I'm ALL IN!
I have taken complete ownership of my years and the universe being in complete and divine alignment with my destiny. I invite you to join me and do the same! Embrace your extraordinary live of passion and purpose... Your Dream Life!
My Mary Kay Story . . .I have been using Mary Kay products since High School and that was a very long time ago. When I became pregnant with my son, some twenty years ago, Mary Kay was my 'financial resource' when I could no longer dance as a Radio City Music Hall Rockette in the year round show in Las Vegas, NV.
Mary Kay is not only a fabulous product, it is #Family, #Friends and a very lucrative #LifeStyle! You make ALL the decisions about: 1 - What you want, 2 - When you want it, and 3 - How you want it! Before having my son, I needed to put some cash aside for the time I was going to be out of work. I was to deliver in December, so I did a HUGH Holiday push with Gift Baskets and made over $3500.00 in approximately 3 weeks. For many years after that, I just consumed the product. I used it everyday and I used it for my performances and I gave myself a 50% discount. That was GREAT! Sometimes I filled orders for friends and occasionally I would get a referral for clients coming through town in need of products. After all these years, I still use the product daily and I love all the new and exciting upgrades the company has made. So its time to pass it forward and tell everyone about this incredible company that actually has the #consultants best interest FIRST! The Mary Kay motto has always been God 1st, Family 2nd and Business 3rd. That is a #standard I can live by. Contact me and together lets Discover what your dream life looks like. |